Hernia Mesh

A “hernia” occurs when tissue bulges through a hole in the surrounding muscle or connecting tissue (like a balloon stretched beyond elasticity). Hernias are associated with aging and childbirth, athletic strain or genetic predisposition, and they predict serious danger if not quickly repaired. Hernia mesh implants made of synthetic materials like polypropylene became popular in the 1980s for patching and reinforcing the hole.

But if the mesh is too heavy and has very small pores (aka, is unbreathable), it is more likely to fail, meaning far more complicated surgery is required to remove damaged mesh and/or repair recurring bulges before serious pain, infection and other related health conditions develop, including organ perforation, bowel obstruction or sexual impotence.

Likewise, a mesh implant that is too small to fully cover the hole and, therefore, is prone to further contraction from erosion or loss of elasticity and/or lack of breathability, can lead to failure. Thousands who have suffered hernia mesh failure also blame manufacturers for knowing about design defects but failing to adequately warn users of the risks.

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